Partner with BeMORE Secure and transform lives by providing pathways to economic prosperity. We specialize in launching digital careers for military veterans and young adults from underserved communities. We empower underrepresented talent to pursue tech futures by teaching in-demand digital and professional skills. As a partner, you'll join us in the long-term success of our students, working together with corporations, volunteers, and nonprofits. BeMORE Secure connects non-traditional job seekers with companies seeking diverse technology workers, offering an alternative fast-track to cybersecurity jobs nationally. Your involvement extends beyond hiring to actively shaping our curriculum design. Join us in changing life trajectories and making a lasting impact in the world of tech and economic empowerment. Partner with BeMORESecure today!

Ways to Partner

We anticipate:

Increase Our Capacity

In the markets where we currently serve BeMORE Secure graduates

Broaden Your Horizon

For services and support for BeMORE Secure alumni toward upward career and wage trajectory


As a mentor, guest lecturer, site visit host, or other facilitated activities


BeMORE Secure interns or apprentices to provide real-world experience


Our graduates and create a diverse talent pipeline for your tech organization


To change the lives of young adults, veterans, and military spouses


A partnership between a nonprofit organization and a for-profit business can be a mutually beneficial arrangement where both entities work together to achieve their respective goals. Such partnerships often leverage the strengths and resources of each organization to create a positive impact on society. In this partnership, the nonprofit and the for-profit business could collaborate in the following ways

Financial Support

The for-profit business could provide financial support to the nonprofit organization through sponsorships, grants, or donations. This financial assistance would enable the nonprofit to carry out conservation projects, conduct research, and raise awareness effectively.

Cause Marketing

The for-profit business could align its marketing campaigns with the nonprofit's mission. They could develop joint marketing initiatives, such as co-branded products or campaigns that promote the importance of conservation. This would help raise awareness among the business's customer base while generating funds for the non profit through product sales or donations tied to sales.

Shared Expertise and Resources

The nonprofit organization could provide expertise and guidance to the for-profit business on sustainable practices and environmental conservation. The nonprofit could assist in developing eco-friendly initiatives within the business, such as adopting sustainable supply chain practices, reducing waste, or implementing environmentally friendly packaging.

Volunteer Engagement

The for-profit business could encourage its employees to volunteer for the nonprofit organization. This could involve organizing volunteer days where employees contribute their time and skills toon-the-ground conservation projects, such as habitat restoration or wildlife monitoring. The business's employees would have the opportunity to make a positive impact while gaining a deeper understanding of the nonprofit mission.

Coordinated Advocacy Efforts

The nonprofit and the for-profit business could collaborate on advocacy initiatives, lobbying for policies that support environmental protection and endangered species conservation. They could jointly engage with government bodies, industry associations, and other stakeholders to raise awareness and advocate for change.

Overall, this partnership between the nonprofit and the for-profit business combines financial support, marketing efforts, shared expertise, and volunteer engagement to amplify their impact in environmental conservation. By leveraging their respective strengths, these organizations can work together to achieve common goals while bringing about positive change in the world.

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