At BeMORE Secure, the incredible work we do is made possible by the unwavering support of our generous donors. Their belief in our mission to empower aspiring cybersecurity professionals and create a safer digital landscape fuels our every endeavor.
BeMORE Secure Hall of Fame is a select group of donors who are heavily invested in the future of our country and in changing the lives of our excellent students.
Gifts can be made in an annual gift or through monthly installments. BeMORE is a 501c3 organization, and gifts are tax-deductible to the furthest extent of the law.
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With a $10 or more monthly gift, you can help move our students through cybersecurity career training and quality job placement. Monthly donors will receive a one-time acknowledgment in our newsletter and a special note from the Executive Director.
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BeMORE Secure links non-traditional job seekers andcompanies hiring diverse cybersecurity workers, creating an alternativefast-track to cybersecurity jobs on a national scale and engaging employers inour curriculum design.
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Making a gift to BeMORE Secure via stock or other securities(such as bonds or mutual funds) allows you to immediately impact people’s lives across the country.
The total value of your gift is tax-deductible as long as it has been held for at least one year. There is no obligation to pay any capital gains tax on the appreciated value, and the gift is fully deductible as of the date it arrives in our account.
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BeMORE Secure welcomes donations of gift cards, new laptops, software and software licenses, and other supplies for our classes. You can support BeMORE Secure by donating some items we need to ensure our student's success. These include:
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